cr 399  brocchi's cluSter (asterism)

Brocchi's Cluster (also known as Collinder 399, Cr 399 or Al Sufi's Cluster) is a random grouping of stars located in the constellation Vulpecula near the border with Sagitta. The members of the star cluster form an asterism which has given rise to its name as the Coathanger.

The asterism is made up of 10 stars ranging from 5th to 7th magnitude which form the conspicuous "coathanger", a straight line of 6 stars with a "hook" of 4 stars on the south side. An additional 30 or so fainter stars are sometimes considered to be associated as well.


Center of asterism

 Technical Data

Bortle Scale / SQM-L Bortle 5  /  20.22
Period July 2021
Primary Scope  CCA 250/1250
Camera IMX455
Mount AP 1100
Total Exposure Time


Composition  LRGB 40'+20'+20'+20'
Location Val Imagna (Bergamo) Italy


 © Efrem Frigeni Astrophoto

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