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the wizard nebula  


 NGC 7380 is located in the constellation Cepheus about 7,000 light-years from Earth within the Milky Way Galaxy. The star cluster is embedded in a H II region , which spans some 110 light-years. The stars of NGC 7380 have emerged from this star-forming region in the last 5 million years or so, making it a relatively young cluster. In this image I want to show you the enormous amount of ionized hydrogen present inside the cluster.


Hydrogen Alpha Signal


 Technical Data

Bortle Scale / SQM-L Bortle 4/5  / ---
Period June 2021
Primary Scope  CCA250-1250 - FSQ 106
Camera CMOS IMX455  - CCD KAF 8300
Mount AP 1100 GTO CP4
Total Exposure Time 4,5H
Composition SHO
Location Val Imagna (Bergamo) Italy



 © Efrem Frigeni Astrophoto

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